Authors: There has to be one “Full conference registration” associated with each paper. One full registration (not 1 day or student) allows for two papers (extra cost applies for more than two papers). If several authors register, only one needs to be at full registration level.
Full Conference: The registration fee for the full conference includes the Conference Opening Ceremony, Welcome Networking Reception, coffee breaks, and lunch, access to all plenaries & panels, all technical sessions, Smart Village events, and proceedings on USB. Gala dinner, tutorials, and tours are available at an extra cost.
One Day Registration: The registration fee for one day includes the Opening Ceremony, tea breaks and lunch for the day of registration, technical sessions for the day of registration, and the USB proceedings. Tutorials and tours are available at an extra cost.
Companion and registration: This registration type entitles your companion to the conference social events including: Opening Ceremony, welcome Networking Reception, Coffee Breaks, Lunches, the Exhibition Hall, Poster Session, and all shuttle services provided to delegates by the conference. It does not provide access to any sessions, paper presentations, plenary events, panel sessions, tutorials or Smart Village events. The Gala dinner and tours are also extra.
No multiple One Day registrations allowed.
The following payment methods are accepted:
- Check, money order, or bank draft
- Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card
- *Wire transfer
*Registrants who wish to pay via wire transfer must first complete their registration form online and then select the Offline Payment option. You must also include your registration ID as the reference in the wire transfer.
Visa application: You can print a letter confirming registration to use for visa applications by logging back into your registration profile after you have paid and clicked on the link entitled: Print Confirmation of Registration Letter for <your name>. However, IEEE cannot intervene on your behalf to help you get your visa beyond providing this letter.